
Muslims drive as if they are waging jihad on all other drivers

So a few months ago, my coworker was on his way in to work, driving on an overpass where he has right of way, which is the only way to get to our camp. There are always accidents at that intersection, because Kuwaitis are morons who cannot drive, and do not learn from seeing the stupidity of their countrymen. On this particular evening, a Kuwaiti jackass decided he was going to pull out into the middle of the road and stop, perpendicular to my coworker's line of travel. Now the speed limit on that road is 100kph and my coworker usually slows down, due to the stupid kuwaitis always running through the stop sign, because the kuwaiti govt always blames the non kuwaiti party when a kuwait causes an accident with any non kuwaiti. So my coworker didn't have time to stop, because he was going 100, and WATCHED as the idiot kuwaiti pulled into the road. However he has good reflexes and slammed the brakes, and swerved to avoid t-boning the imbecile, which I told him he should have done. Hell do the guy a favor, send him on to allah. Now my buddy suffered only a bloody nose and some bruises from the airbag, but the kuwaiti was a bit roughed up. When the incident went to traffic court, in typical arab fashion, the court blamed both parties for the accident. Typical muslim warped mentality, God didn't will that kuwaiti jackass to not pull out into the road, and my coworker should not have been crossing at that time (even though he had right of way). These people are idiots, everyone who has worked here in the middle east knows it. Hell I have an ex from Lebanon who tells me arabs can't drive for sh*t. But if anyone dares to say it out loud in public, they get slammed by liberal pc pansies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link!
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