
Muhammad the Teddy Bear?

OK so this is a bit late, but I have been following up to see the developments in Sudan (if that backwards festering hole can be called developing) regarding a British teacher being jailed for allowing children in her class to name a teddy bear muhammad. How tolerant of the religion of peace! And now those peace loving muslims are rioting in the streets chanting for the death of the teacher (Gillian Gibbons) who was in Africa doing her part to help improve the quality of life for the children. Several British pols have been pushing for a pardon from Sudan's President, who has not yet granted one. Upon further investigation, it came to light that a child, named Muhammad, had chosen the name for the teddy bear, to give it his own namesake. But those extremists, who like to prove anyone who says Islam is linked to violence correct, decided that anything less than a death sentence is not enough.

Meanwhile, many moderate (read: NON-psychotic, bent on world domination) muslims, after years of silence while extremist muslim terrorists continue to carry out their terror campaign, have finally begun to speak out loudly that the extremists do not represent them. It is about time someone tries to change the view of Islam in the world through non-violent means, such as those moderates who have finally cried out "The extremists don't speak for us!"

Maybe this can help galvanize the civilized people who are stuck living in countries governed by sharia law, where freedom is stifled, the sexes are segregated, and anyone who questions the law (allegedly of God, Allah) is beaten, or killed.

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