
Islam truly is tolerant and peaceful... And I have the ability to pull a hippopotamus out of my a**


So yet another example of the 7th century death cult of Islam in the modern world. This a**hole decided that his wife swearing she was faithful to him was not enough, so he mutilated her face. Now because the great god (yeah right) allah has proclaimed that a woman's worth is half of a man's her husband will likely go unpunished, and muslim mullahs will do their best to paint her as a bad person who was justly punished. Much like those barbaric muslims in Canada are doing to Aqsa Parvez, the teenager who was born into the muslim death cult, but was smart enough, by virtue of her WESTERN education to realize what islam is, and decided to not wear her ninja headdress. Her father killed her for it, and the muslim clergy are now slandering her name claiming she was abusing drugs and sleeping around. How tolerant those pigs are! The sooner we destroy islam, the sooner the world becomes a better place. Islam has no place in the 21st century, and the way to defeat it is through mockery, and pointing it out for what it is; nothing more than a 7th century cult created by a madman to justify his own pedophilia and bloodlust.

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