Muslims drive as if they are waging jihad on all other drivers
So a few months ago, my coworker was on his way in to work, driving on an overpass where he has right of way, which is the only way to get to our camp. There are always accidents at that intersection, because Kuwaitis are morons who cannot drive, and do not learn from seeing the stupidity of their countrymen. On this particular evening, a Kuwaiti jackass decided he was going to pull out into the middle of the road and stop, perpendicular to my coworker's line of travel. Now the speed limit on that road is 100kph and my coworker usually slows down, due to the stupid kuwaitis always running through the stop sign, because the kuwaiti govt always blames the non kuwaiti party when a kuwait causes an accident with any non kuwaiti. So my coworker didn't have time to stop, because he was going 100, and WATCHED as the idiot kuwaiti pulled into the road. However he has good reflexes and slammed the brakes, and swerved to avoid t-boning the imbecile, which I told him he should have done. Hell do the guy a favor, send him on to allah. Now my buddy suffered only a bloody nose and some bruises from the airbag, but the kuwaiti was a bit roughed up. When the incident went to traffic court, in typical arab fashion, the court blamed both parties for the accident. Typical muslim warped mentality, God didn't will that kuwaiti jackass to not pull out into the road, and my coworker should not have been crossing at that time (even though he had right of way). These people are idiots, everyone who has worked here in the middle east knows it. Hell I have an ex from Lebanon who tells me arabs can't drive for sh*t. But if anyone dares to say it out loud in public, they get slammed by liberal pc pansies.
Suck it, global warming whiners!
Global Warming is real... http://www.washingtontimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071219/COMMENTARY/10575140 - As the author, a geophysicist, notes: "In other words, all weather variations are evidence for global warming. I can't make this stuff up."
And of course who can forget the beloved Kyoto Treaty.
UPDATE -- A list of countries and their carbon dioxide emissions due to consumption of fossil fuels is available from the U.S. government. If we look at that data and compare 2004 (latest year for which data is available) to 1997 (last year before the Kyoto treaty was signed), we find the following.
* Emissions worldwide increased 18.0%.
* Emissions from countries that signed the treaty increased 21.1%.
* Emissions from non-signers increased 10.0%.
* Emissions from the U.S. increased 6.6%.
In fact, emissions from the U.S. grew slower than those of over 75% of the countries that signed Kyoto.
Instapundit writer Glenn Reynolds, says here- http://instapundit.com/archives2/013112.php - "They told me that if George W. Bush were elected, the United States would lag behind the rest of the world on greenhouse gases And they were right!"
Global Warming is real... http://www.washingtontimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071219/COMMENTARY/10575140 - As the author, a geophysicist, notes: "In other words, all weather variations are evidence for global warming. I can't make this stuff up."
And of course who can forget the beloved Kyoto Treaty.
UPDATE -- A list of countries and their carbon dioxide emissions due to consumption of fossil fuels is available from the U.S. government. If we look at that data and compare 2004 (latest year for which data is available) to 1997 (last year before the Kyoto treaty was signed), we find the following.
* Emissions worldwide increased 18.0%.
* Emissions from countries that signed the treaty increased 21.1%.
* Emissions from non-signers increased 10.0%.
* Emissions from the U.S. increased 6.6%.
In fact, emissions from the U.S. grew slower than those of over 75% of the countries that signed Kyoto.
Instapundit writer Glenn Reynolds, says here- http://instapundit.com/archives2/013112.php - "They told me that if George W. Bush were elected, the United States would lag behind the rest of the world on greenhouse gases And they were right!"
Islam truly is tolerant and peaceful... And I have the ability to pull a hippopotamus out of my a**
So yet another example of the 7th century death cult of Islam in the modern world. This a**hole decided that his wife swearing she was faithful to him was not enough, so he mutilated her face. Now because the great god (yeah right) allah has proclaimed that a woman's worth is half of a man's her husband will likely go unpunished, and muslim mullahs will do their best to paint her as a bad person who was justly punished. Much like those barbaric muslims in Canada are doing to Aqsa Parvez, the teenager who was born into the muslim death cult, but was smart enough, by virtue of her WESTERN education to realize what islam is, and decided to not wear her ninja headdress. Her father killed her for it, and the muslim clergy are now slandering her name claiming she was abusing drugs and sleeping around. How tolerant those pigs are! The sooner we destroy islam, the sooner the world becomes a better place. Islam has no place in the 21st century, and the way to defeat it is through mockery, and pointing it out for what it is; nothing more than a 7th century cult created by a madman to justify his own pedophilia and bloodlust.
So yet another example of the 7th century death cult of Islam in the modern world. This a**hole decided that his wife swearing she was faithful to him was not enough, so he mutilated her face. Now because the great god (yeah right) allah has proclaimed that a woman's worth is half of a man's her husband will likely go unpunished, and muslim mullahs will do their best to paint her as a bad person who was justly punished. Much like those barbaric muslims in Canada are doing to Aqsa Parvez, the teenager who was born into the muslim death cult, but was smart enough, by virtue of her WESTERN education to realize what islam is, and decided to not wear her ninja headdress. Her father killed her for it, and the muslim clergy are now slandering her name claiming she was abusing drugs and sleeping around. How tolerant those pigs are! The sooner we destroy islam, the sooner the world becomes a better place. Islam has no place in the 21st century, and the way to defeat it is through mockery, and pointing it out for what it is; nothing more than a 7th century cult created by a madman to justify his own pedophilia and bloodlust.
Matriarch murdered in the name of islam
Benazir Bhutto, a democratic pro-western (allegedly) leader in Pakistan, was killed by a suicide bomber today at a rally for democratic elections. Once again muslims do the utmost to prove that islam is nothing more than a cult of violence, death and oppression, to women, and non-muslims. May her bravery never be forgotten, and the terrorists who committed this heinous act, burn in the hell that awaits them. Al Qaeda is dying, the taliban are next. Funny, how come no one is mentioning her involvement in the birth of the taliban??? So much for the beast not biting the hand that feeds it. For details, see here - http://www.thestar.com/News/World/article/290372
I wouldn't wipe my ass with that rag. Here is the REAL man of the year
This brave patriot, not only worked on a State Representative's staff, served in the Military and did time in Iraq, but did a great thing by saving the life of a disabled Iraqi child, by adopting him and bringing him home. I remark about this because no arab will tell you, but they hide their disabled from view. It seems they are shamed when they have a child with a disability. The poor kid had seen a doctor 10 times in his entire life, before being brought to the civilized world. It warms my heart to read about GOOD people in this world. Unlike reading about imbecile celebrities and their opinions. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!
This brave patriot, not only worked on a State Representative's staff, served in the Military and did time in Iraq, but did a great thing by saving the life of a disabled Iraqi child, by adopting him and bringing him home. I remark about this because no arab will tell you, but they hide their disabled from view. It seems they are shamed when they have a child with a disability. The poor kid had seen a doctor 10 times in his entire life, before being brought to the civilized world. It warms my heart to read about GOOD people in this world. Unlike reading about imbecile celebrities and their opinions. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!
Will Smith is a JACKASS
Stupid Scientologists, what kind of imbecile is Will Smith? According to him, Hitler was a good person. What a moron, I hope I never meet him in person.
Holiday cheer, Arab style
This is what our friendly (and peaceful, of course) neighborhood muslims are doling out for the kids this Christmas. I don't know about you, but I am getting sick and tired of people bending over for muslims who only want to destroy the lives of children. But of course, Islam is the religion of peace, and if you say otherwise, they'll kill you. Israel ought to just wipe out every one of those subhuman terrorists in Gaza, retake it, and make a parking lot.
Thank God we have the Bill Of Rights in the good ole' USA...
Thank God we have the Bill Of Rights in the good ole' USA...
Christmas is coming
I see more and more back home in the states, Holiday Spirit is being sucked out of all the places it needs to be, because liberal whiners complain it is infringing on people's freedom to be free from religious expressions. Despite this, Green Bay has put up a Nativity display paid for by one of the city councilmen. SUCK IT, LIBERALS!
I also find it ironic, that in Kuwait, a muslim country, there are banners proclaiming "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" everywhere, along with photos and statues of Santa Claus. None of that Happy Holiday bullshit the politically correct (read: LIARS) liberals try and ram down our throats. If a muslim country can appreciate Christmas for what it is, why can't we?
I also find it ironic, that in Kuwait, a muslim country, there are banners proclaiming "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" everywhere, along with photos and statues of Santa Claus. None of that Happy Holiday bullshit the politically correct (read: LIARS) liberals try and ram down our throats. If a muslim country can appreciate Christmas for what it is, why can't we?
This guy has his head on straight. Let's hope he isn't killed by those who believe in the religion of peace...
Tolerance and love of family... Or not
Even more evidence to prove Islam is NOT about peace and tolerance, coexistence, or anything other than oppression and subjugation. Anyone claiming otherwise is selling something.
Even more evidence to prove Islam is NOT about peace and tolerance, coexistence, or anything other than oppression and subjugation. Anyone claiming otherwise is selling something.
New York Times actually prints a real story...
The West (The US, since Europe is taking it lying down, again...) needs to wake up and stop covering for Islam, and see it for what it is. A Totalitarian Terrorist Cult, nothing more.
Telling It Like It Is (True Islam, religion of oppression)
The article both infuriated me at the political correctness that we have been force-fed, and has turned us into a bunch of pussies unwilling to do what is necessary to defeat evil, but also made me want to cry for the plight of the Iranians who don't have their heads in each others asses.
The article both infuriated me at the political correctness that we have been force-fed, and has turned us into a bunch of pussies unwilling to do what is necessary to defeat evil, but also made me want to cry for the plight of the Iranians who don't have their heads in each others asses.
SOURCE : http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2007/11/14/nasa-debunks-part-global-warming-myth-will-media-report-it
I love NASA, they pretty much serve a nice tall glass of shut the hell up to those Global Whining pansies. Of course Commie News Network (CNN) and Nazi Broadcasting Corp (NBC) will likely ignore the report, along with the rest of their leftie newspaper distributing cohorts.
I love NASA, they pretty much serve a nice tall glass of shut the hell up to those Global Whining pansies. Of course Commie News Network (CNN) and Nazi Broadcasting Corp (NBC) will likely ignore the report, along with the rest of their leftie newspaper distributing cohorts.
Joe Arpaio is still a True American Hero
Seems everyone's favorite (if you are into Sherrif's makin criminals wear pink underwear, pink overalls, and eat bologna for lunch every day, instead of getting free education, gym time and any luxuries at all) Sherrif, Joe Arpaio is in the news again. Google his name if you are unfamiliar, he is doing great things, and is now taking the fight to the wetbacks. He arrested a bunch of em at a protest, in front of a furniture shop in Arizona, over the store refusing to hire wetbacks. He took 24 of em into custody. One wetback at a time...
Seems everyone's favorite (if you are into Sherrif's makin criminals wear pink underwear, pink overalls, and eat bologna for lunch every day, instead of getting free education, gym time and any luxuries at all) Sherrif, Joe Arpaio is in the news again. Google his name if you are unfamiliar, he is doing great things, and is now taking the fight to the wetbacks. He arrested a bunch of em at a protest, in front of a furniture shop in Arizona, over the store refusing to hire wetbacks. He took 24 of em into custody. One wetback at a time...
Muhammad the Teddy Bear?
OK so this is a bit late, but I have been following up to see the developments in Sudan (if that backwards festering hole can be called developing) regarding a British teacher being jailed for allowing children in her class to name a teddy bear muhammad. How tolerant of the religion of peace! And now those peace loving muslims are rioting in the streets chanting for the death of the teacher (Gillian Gibbons) who was in Africa doing her part to help improve the quality of life for the children. Several British pols have been pushing for a pardon from Sudan's President, who has not yet granted one. Upon further investigation, it came to light that a child, named Muhammad, had chosen the name for the teddy bear, to give it his own namesake. But those extremists, who like to prove anyone who says Islam is linked to violence correct, decided that anything less than a death sentence is not enough.
Meanwhile, many moderate (read: NON-psychotic, bent on world domination) muslims, after years of silence while extremist muslim terrorists continue to carry out their terror campaign, have finally begun to speak out loudly that the extremists do not represent them. It is about time someone tries to change the view of Islam in the world through non-violent means, such as those moderates who have finally cried out "The extremists don't speak for us!"
Maybe this can help galvanize the civilized people who are stuck living in countries governed by sharia law, where freedom is stifled, the sexes are segregated, and anyone who questions the law (allegedly of God, Allah) is beaten, or killed.
Meanwhile, many moderate (read: NON-psychotic, bent on world domination) muslims, after years of silence while extremist muslim terrorists continue to carry out their terror campaign, have finally begun to speak out loudly that the extremists do not represent them. It is about time someone tries to change the view of Islam in the world through non-violent means, such as those moderates who have finally cried out "The extremists don't speak for us!"
Maybe this can help galvanize the civilized people who are stuck living in countries governed by sharia law, where freedom is stifled, the sexes are segregated, and anyone who questions the law (allegedly of God, Allah) is beaten, or killed.
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