

I have been doing a lot of bloghopping recently, and have found that there are literally thousands of bloggers who share my love of AMERICA, FREEDOM, and hatred of terror(islam). It's a good feeling to know that if the sh*t hits the fan, I won't be fighting the good fight alone.

Another 6000 Sunnis join the good guys

Much respect to Infidelesto at http://infidelsarecool.com

HAWIJA, Iraq (AP) - Nearly 6,000 Sunni Arab residents joined a security pact with American Forces Wednesday in what U.S. officers described as a critical step in plugging the remaining escape routes for extremists flushed from former strongholds. The new alliance—called the single largest single volunteer mobilization since the war began—covers the “last gateway” for groups such as al-Qaida in Iraq seeking new havens in Northern Iraq, U.S. military officials said.
U.S. commanders have tried to build a ring around insurgents who fled military offensives launched earlier this year in the western Anbar province and later into Baghdad and surrounding areas. In many places, the U.S.-led battles were given key help from tribal militias—mainly Sunnis—that had turned again al-Qaida and other groups.
[…] The ceremony to pledge the 6,000 new fighters was presided over by dozen sheiks—each draped in black robes trimmed with gold braiding—who signed the contract on behalf of tribesmen at a small U.S. outpost in north-central Iraq.
For about $275 a month—nearly the salary for the typical Iraqi policeman—the tribesmen will man about 200 security checkpoints beginning Dec. 7, supplementing hundreds of Iraqi forces already in the area. More good news from our troops, that will largely be ignored by the pussies in the mainstream media.


An unlikely ally, in China

A muslim woman was arrested for plotting to blow up an airliner. Notice how I don't say alleged or allegedly. I don't care about her innocence. 99.99% of people who do this kind of crap are muslim. If the shoe fits...


China, numbers 1billion. I think we need to start letting them crackdown in islam the way islam wants to crack down on the infidels. Hope muslims like the taste of their own medicine. GO GO CHINA GO!


Netherlands politician has something American pols lack. BALLS OF STEEL

I wish American politcians and judges had this kind of courage. We would not have the issues we have with terrorists financiers like CAIR and MAB if our politicians weren't so afraid of muslims getting all butt-hurt.

Geert Wilders speech to Dutch Parliament (copied from http://www.michaelsavage.com/savage-geert-wilders.html with utmost respect and reverence for Michael Savage, a brave American with the guts to fight terror supporters like CAIR).

Madam Speaker, allow me, first, to express my sincere thanks to you personally for having planned a debate on Islam on the very day of my birthday. I could not have wished for a nicer present! Madam Speaker, approximately 1400 years ago war was declared on us by an ideology of hate and violence which arose at the time and was proclaimed by a
barbarian who called himself the Prophet Mohammed. I am referring to Islam.
Madam Speaker, let me start with the foundation of the Islamic faith, the Koran. The Koran's core theme is about the duty of all Muslims to fight non-Muslims; an Islamic Mein Kampf, in which fight means war, jihad. The Koran is above all a book of war "“ a call to butcher non-Muslims (2:191, 3:141, 4:91, 5:3), to roast them (4:56, 69:30-69:32), and to cause bloodbaths amongst them (47:4). Jews are compared to monkeys and pigs (2:65, 5:60, 7:166), while people who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God must according to the Koran be fought (9:30).
Madam Speaker, the West has no problems with Jews or Christians, but it does have problems with Islam. It is still possible, even today, for Muslims to view the Koran, which they regard as valid for all time, as a licence to kill. And that is exactly what happens. The Koran is worded in such a way that its instructions are addressed to Muslims for eternity, which includes today's Muslims. This in contrast to texts in the Bible, which is formulated as a number of historical narratives, placing events in a distant past. Let us remind ourselves that it was Muslims, not Jews or Christians, who committed the catastrophic terrorist attacks in New York, Madrid and London; and that it was no coincidence that Theo van Gogh was brutally murdered by a Muslim, Mohammed Bouyeri.
Madam Speaker, I acknowledge that there are people who call themselves Muslims and who respect our laws. My party, the Freedom Party, has nothing against such people, of course. However, the Koran does have something against them. For it is stated in the Koran in Sura 2, verse 85, that those believers who do not believe in everything the Koran states will be humiliated and receive the severest punishment; which means that they will roast in Hell. In other words, people who call themselves Muslims but who do not believe, for example, in Sura 9, verse 30, which states that Jews and Christians must be fought, or, for example, in Sura 5, verse 38, which states that the hand of a thief must be cut off, such people will be humiliated and roast in Hell. Note that it is not me who is making this up. All this can be found in the Koran. The Koran also states that Muslims who believe in only part of the Koran are in fact apostates, and we know what has to happen to apostates. They have to be killed.
Madam Speaker, the Koran is a book that incites to violence. I remind the House that the distribution of such texts is unlawful according to Article 132 of our Penal Code. In addition, the Koran incites to hatred and calls for murder and mayhem. The distribution of such texts is made punishable by Article 137(e). The Koran is therefore a highly dangerous book; a book which is completely against our legal order and our democratic institutions. In this light, it is an absolute necessity that the Koran be banned for the defence and reinforcement of our civilisation and our constitutional state. I shall propose a second-reading motion to that effect.
Madam Speaker, there is no such thing as "moderate Islam".... As Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan said the other day, and I quote, "There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that's it".... Islam is in pursuit of dominance. It wishes to exact its imperialist agenda by force on a worldwide scale (8:39). This is clear from European history. Fortunately, the first Islamic invasion of Europe was stopped at Poitiers in 732; the second in Vienna in 1683. Madam Speaker, let us ensure that the third Islamic invasion, which is currently in full spate, will be stopped too in spite of its insidious nature and notwithstanding the fact that, in contrast to the 8th and 17th centuries, it has no need for an Islamic army because the scared "dhimmis"� in the West, also those in Dutch politics, have left their doors wide open to Islam and Muslims.
Apart from conquest, Madam Speaker, Islam is also bent on installing a totally different form of law and order, namely Sharia law. This makes Islam, apart from a religion for hundreds of millions of Muslims also, and in particular, a political ideology (with political/constitutional/Islamic basic values, etc). Islam is an ideology without any respect for others; not for Christians, not for Jews, not for non-believers and not for apostates. Islam aims to dominate, subject, kill and wage war.
Madam Speaker, the Islamic incursion must be stopped. Islam is the Trojan Horse in Europe. If we do not stop Islamification now, Eurabia and Netherabia will just be a matter of time. One century ago, there were approximately 50 Muslims in the Netherlands. Today, there are about 1 million Muslims in this country. Where will it end? We are heading for the end of European and Dutch civilisation as we know it. Where is our Prime Minister in all this? In reply to my questions in the House he said, without batting an eyelid, that there is no question of our country being Islamified. Now, this reply constituted
a historical error as soon as it was uttered. Very many Dutch citizens, Madam Speaker, experience the presence of Islam around them. And I can report that they have had enough of burkas, headscarves, the ritual slaughter of animals, so-called honour revenge, blaring minarets, female circumcision, hymen restoration operations, abuse of homosexuals, Turkish and Arabic on the buses and trains as well as on town hall leaflets, halal meat at grocery shops and department stores, Sharia exams, the Finance Minister's Sharia mortgages, and the enormous overrepresentation of Muslims in the area of crime, including Moroccan street terrorists.
In spite of all this, Madam Speaker, there is hope. Fortunately. The majority of Dutch citizens have become fully aware of the danger, and regard Islam as a threat to our culture. My party, the Freedom Party, takes those citizens seriously and comes to their defence.
Many Dutch citizens are fed up to the back teeth and yearn for action. However, their representatives in The Hague are doing
precisely nothing. They are held back by fear, political correctness or simply electoral motives. This is particularly clear in the case of PvdA, the Dutch Labour Party, which is afraid of losing Muslim voters. The Prime Minister said in Indonesia the other day that Islam does not pose any danger. Minister Donner believes that Sharia law should be capable of being introduced in the Netherlands if the majority want it. Minister Vogelaar babbles about the future Netherlands as a country with a Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition, and that she aims to help Islam take root in Dutch society. In saying this, the Minister shows that she has obviously gone stark raving mad. She is betraying Dutch culture and insulting Dutch citizens.
Madam Speaker, my party, the Freedom Party, demands that Minister Vogelaar retract her statement. If the Minister fails to do so, the Freedom Party parliamentary group will withdraw its support for her. No Islamic tradition must ever be established in the Netherlands: not now and also not in a few centuries' time.
Madam Speaker, let me briefly touch on the government's response to the WRR [Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy] report. On page 12 of its response, the government states that Islam is not contrary to democracy or human rights. All I can say to that is that things can't get much more idiotic than this.
Madam Speaker, it is a few minutes to twelve. If we go on like this, Islam will herald the end of our Western civilisation as well as Dutch culture.
I would like to round off my first-reading contribution with a personal appeal to the Prime Minister on behalf of a great many Dutch citizens: stop the Islamification of the Netherlands!
Mr Balkenende, a historic task rests on your shoulders. Be courageous. Do what many Dutch citizens are screaming out for. Do what the country needs. Stop all immigration from Muslim countries, ban all building of new mosques, close all Islamic schools, ban burkas and the Koran. Expel all criminal Muslims from the country, including those Moroccan street terrorists that drive people mad. Accept your responsibility! Stop Islamification!
Enough is enough, Mr Balkenende. Enough is enough.


Taqqiya at its best


Proof positive MY country, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a Christian Nation, open for all to come and enjoy freedom as it was meant to be enjoyed. To all those who would attempt to subvert it (extremist muslims, mainly because that is the goal of their cult), WE are watching YOU.

Honor Killings not just for women, Islam is equal opportunity killer

Male honor killings are all the rage now (pun intended). When will Europe wake up? Or are they expecting the US to save them for a third time in 100 years?


Why are women's rights organizations silent?


Oh yeah, it's because they all suffer from Bush Derangement Syndrome and want The US to lose the War on Terror.

And because of their silence, women like Ameena, mentioned in the article, will continue to be tortured by their husbands, because islam makes them property of their husbands. In her case, she was disfigured by having acid thrown in her face, upon mere SUSPICION that she had an extramarital affair. Her husband didn't even offer a DNA test to prove it was his.


Terrorists use civilians as human shields? Say it ain't so!

Terror group hamas lines up and hides in homes with women and children, while shooting at Israeli Defense Forces. What a shock! And of course the bleeding heart liberals, and the useful idiots at the UN deride Israel for firing back. Once again Israel shows great levels of restraint in not simply cluster bombing gaza into a dirt field. People cry over the loss of those civilians and kids, but they are brainwashed by the terrorist cartoon bunny into growing up to become terrorists themselves. Hamas even had a kid grab a rifle from a dead terrorist and give it to another, during which moments the UDF held fire. Funny, no one cries about the rockets hamas is launching at civilians in Israel. Israel needs to drop a tactical nuke and wipe the threat from the face of the earth.


Terrorists use civilians as human shields? Say it ain't so!

Muslim gets educated, leaves the cult

Ex-islamist was born with a brain, learned how to use it despite attempts at indoctrination into the cult of death, and tells the truth about islam.


A long article, but a good read, he describes in great detail the true meaning of islam, and the mentality of the muslim, that islam is a universal religion, and that the world must embrace it.


The joke that is islam

The quran revealed the speed of light a thousand years before scientists in the West calculated it.


And last night, a monkey flew out my butt.

It is pathetic that in this day of science and enlightenment, a billion otherwise normal people, many of whom doctors and educated, should still follow an ignoramus of the seventh century and waste their time trying to find meaning and even miracles in his asinine balderdash. This should tell you everything you need to know about Muslim intelligentsia. The fact that Islamicity.com, arguably the most prestigious Islamic site, has published this nonsense proves the intellectual bankruptcy of the ummah.
Islam is a joke. It is an irony that so many smart people have reduced themselves into jokers and laughing stocks for mankind. The more they try to make Islam look logical and scientific the more ridiculous they look.