

Tell me again why we send billions of dollars in aid to people who have zero intention of changing their self destructive ways???



The AIDS virus arrived in the United States via Haiti in about 1969, a decade earlier than previously believed, and likely infected hundreds of thousands of people before it was first detected, according to a UA biologist.
A new study, publishing this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, used DNA analysis to pinpoint for the first time how the HIV-1 virus entered the United States. The study’s lead author, Michael Worobey, said the research shows most HIV/AIDS cases in the country descended from a single common ancestor.
“Haiti was the stepping stone the virus took when it left central Africa and started its sweep around the world,” said Worobey, an assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the UA. “Once the virus got to the U.S., then it just moved explosively around the world.”
Worobey and a team of researchers in the United States and Europe analyzed archived blood samples taken from early patients, including five of the first AIDS patients identified in the United States, all recent Haitian immigrants. The researchers also analyzed blood samples from another 117 AIDS patients from around the world.
The research traces the spread of the epidemic from the United States back to Haiti, where the virus arrived from Africa in about 1966, Worobey said. Future research will attempt to trace the genetic makeup of various strains of HIV even further back.


GO GO Thirdworld Outsourcing

Yet another reason I am blessed to have been born in the USA -


And these guys are regarded as enlightened???? WTF? I guess Buddha isn't as great a guy as he is thought to be...


Now, working in Kuwait, I got used to the maniacal driving of the Kuwaitis, much like I did with the Qataris when I lived in Qatar. Now some people will say I am stereotyping, but this is actual truth and fact. THESE PEOPLE CANNOT DRIVE!!!!

Take my coworker, Daniel. He was going in early to work on Friday, and some jackass Kuwaiti rolled right through a stop sign at an intersection where Daniel had right of way. It is an overpass that frequently has accidents due to the stupidity of the Kuwaitis(they, along with 300 million Muslims in the Middle East, have been brainwashed to believe that accidents are fate, and God's will. Never mind driving responsibly, and TAKING RESPONSIBLITY for your actions). Daniel was lucky enough to be able to swerve and lessen the impact of the wreck. The car is totalled, but he is fine. The jackass in the other vehicle had some bruises and cuts, and a bloody nose, since he wasn't t-boned due to Daniel's quick thinking. First thing Daniel said, was "STOP SIGN!! LOOK!!!" and pointed at the stop sign the idiot rolled through. After the ambulance came and treated the other guy, they went to file a report at the police station. Now, in the civilized world (Europe, North America) the person who rolled the stop sign would be faulted and liable for compensation. But because we are in Kuwait, and the other person was Kuwaiti, the police farce here decided they were BOTH at fault. That is, it is Daniel's fault because he was on the road at that time, or as the locals love to say "Insha allah" God's will. You gotta love the stupidity. So basically in the Arab world if someone crashes into you and you are not a native of the country you are in, it is your fault for being on the road. No wonder these people are so easy to recruit to become suicide bombers, they have almost no free will or ability to think as individuals.



I am going to Amman, Jordan next week to meet up with one of my closest friends, Eric. We worked together in the Air Force (he was my boss) and then I crashed on his couch when I got out and moved to Houston. We will alsobe going to Petra, which many might recall as the sight where the Holy Grail was found in Indiana Jones and The Las Crusade. This is going to be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!


Good reading for those still comatose after watching Al Gore's snoozefest "An Inconvenient Truth"


Check it out, unless you fear the truth, then read this to lighten the mood :)

Three men - a Canadian farmer, Osama bin Laden and a Texan are all workingtogether one day. They come across a lantern and a Genie pops out of it.'I will give each of you one wish, which is three wishes in total', saysthe Genie.The Canadian says, 'I am a farmer and my son will also farm. I want theland to be forever fertile in Canada .'POOF! With the blink of the Genie's eye, the land in Canada was foreverfertile for farming.Osama was amazed, so he said, 'I want a wall around Afghanistan ,Palestine , Iraq and Iran so that no infidels, Americans or Canadians cancome in our our precious land.'POOF! Again, with the blink of the Genie's eye, there was a huge wallaround those countries.The Texan says, 'I am very curious. Please tell me more about this wall.'The Genie explains, 'Well, it's about 5,000 feet high, 500 feet thick andcompletely surrounds the country. Nothing can get in or out; it'svirtually impenetrable.'The Texan sits down, cracks a beer, smiles, and says, 'Fill it withwater.'


Mainstream Media vs Our Troops

Watching the news today is bad comedy. I see so many newscasters spewing forth bovine excrement, rooting for us to lose the war on terror for their own ideological gains. Take that elitist defeatist (I heard that from someone, and found it a fitting title) Katie Couric. She made a statement (I am not quoting here) about how she is uncomfortable wearing a flag on her lapel and saying "we" in reference to the US. To her, patriotism is bad because it means you are taking sides, instead of playing get along gang (remember that from childhood??? heheh), and war is icky, doesn't make her and her ilk feel good about themselves. It's sad that these narrow minded individuals don't (or WON'T) realize we are fighting a war for the survival of our way of life. The very fact that she can go on TV and spew her garbage is due ONLY to the fact that our soldiers have sacrificed blood sweat and tears for our freedoms, for the last 231 years. I defy any of those leftist blowhards (read: Any NBC or CNN anchor) to go to one of those countries that they feel so bad about us being in conflict with (whether its military or political conflict). like Iran and start making the kind of noise they make here in the US, spouting their anti-government statements. They'd disappear "mysteriously" and never be heard from again. Hey, maybe they SHOULD go into these other countries!!! I mean, if it wasn't for the blood, sweat and tears of our brave men and women in uniform, these media hacks would be muzzled and likely executed, like they are doing in Russia and Mexico these days (do a bit of research on Anna Politkovskaya, or the journalists in Mexico being killed by the drug cartels). And the thanks the troops get is the media ignoring the very real threat, and playing to their own political ideals, which apparently include simply bending over and taking it in the ass from an enemy who wants us all dead.



Here all will get to read my opinion on the goings on in the world, here at home (the good old USA) and abroad. Some of it you will find informative, some offensive. I am not politically correct (PC) in ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM. I am 100% MAN, and am not afraid of expressing my masculinity. I tell it like it is, and make no apologies for the hurt feelings of those too weak to admit that there is in fact, GOOD and EVIL, RIGHT and WRONG, TRUE and FALSE, in the world today.