
Another day, another spweing of propaganda by mainstream media

So there is a movie, "Redacted" out in theatres, which pretty much paints the American Soldier as a Marauding Mongol, raping, pillaging, etc... Gotta love how these liberal loonies "know" so much about our military way of life, but have never served, nor are they equipped with the balls to do so.

Then when natural disaster strikes, those same ass pirates cry and whine that the war on terror is causing the national guard to be unable to properly respond to the said disaster (like we heard them whining during the fires this past month in California).

Now, I am not what one would call the model for what a good person should be, but I find it ironic (ok I admit I chuckle) that these disasters only befall places that are full of evil and corruption. Take the Tsunami in 2004 that smashed the Indian Ocean (infested with muslim terrorists of all nationalities), Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, the cyclone that hit Bangladesh, whose muslim terror groups are protesting US Aid, now we get wildfires in Hollywood. They say nature abhors a vacuum. Apparently it isn't so fond of liberals and terrorists and their supporters either...

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