
Some TRUTH about the Crusades

Next time some muslim crybaby complains that Christianity is as aggressive as islam, tell them to shut the fuck up.


The Crusades were in RESPONSE and RETALIATION for the pigs of islam invading North Africa and Europe. Christians had enough of sharia law (which is basically slavery for anyone who is not a muslim male, including muslim females). That is exactly what the muslims are doing to Europe again, and because they all want to be politically correct and not get anyone butthurt (hurt feelings) they bend over and let muslims change the laws to favor sharia. And once again, ONLY the United States is standing against the terrorists. Kind of reminiscent of WWII, when Europe bent over for the National Socialist Party, that killed 6 million Jews, along with 21 million Russians, Poles, Slavs, and other Eastern Europeans. And the Nazis were friendly to the muslim countries. Funny how no one mentions that.

Why haven't we nuked Iran????

Only a moron would still believe those mullahs have a peaceful nuclear program

The damned pigs are now telling us the price for supporting Israel is our property and our lives. If that isn't a direct threat, I don't know what is. But will we take preemptive action? NOOOOOO, because the damned liberal pussies in charge of Congress are a bunch of sissies who care more about public opinion than doing anything productive to defend FREEDOM, a concept not allowed in islam, the cult of death. If we aren't going to drop bombs, I PRAY Israel will. And sooner, rather than AFTER we have been sucker punched again (Pearl Harbor, 9/11, 7/7).

Why are these people still breathing?


These terrorists wanted to kidnap a British Soldier and behead him. Simply because he was Muslim and as terrorists see it, if you are Muslim and not lining up to be a suicide bomber, you are practicing Islam incorrectly. The criminal trials need to stop, and these people need to start being shot like the rabid pigs that they are.

Proof that Negotiating with Palestinians is pointless


I read this article and it pretty much sums up what I learned a few years back. Palestinians do not want to coexist (like the stupid COEXIST tshirts worn by hippie liberal pussies back home). They want to destroy Israel, and continue Hitler's extermination of the Jews. I hope Israel's government will wake up and do something decisive to protect the Israelis. When is the West going to wake up and realize that there is NO NEGOTIATING with terrorists. They are NOT freedom fighters. They are NOT trying to liberate themselves from anything. They want to topple all non islamic governments and take over the world. WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!


God truly loves terrorists


HAHAHAHHAHAH Stupid muslim terrorist, apparently can't walk and carry a bomb at the same time. I wonder, since he detonated prematurely, does he go to hell? Or will the terrorists still consider him a martyr, even though he only blew himself up? If only all terrorists were as efficient as this imbecile...


Islam is about freedom! And I just had a monkey fly out of my ass.


So for asking a question about the fairness of muslim males being allowed to take 4 wives, while a female cannot take 4 husbands, he gets the death penalty. Gotta love thos muslims! So tolerant and peaceful and forgiving! Barbarian pigs, actually


Positive sign from Iraq's Sunni population


This is great news, further proof that Bush's troop surge IS working, despite what the liberal terrorist enablers in the mainstream media say. HELL YEAH for our American Armed Forces.


What a shock, CAIR sympathizes and defends more terrorists


Yeah I am 100% certain if it had been two white kids with pipe bombs they would have simply been ticketed and told to slow down. Gee, maybe if so many muslims weren't terrorists, we wouldn't have to profile??? THINK ABOUT IT.

Nice to see CAIR finally backing off, instead of claiming terrorists are freedom fighters or revolutionaries.


Israel shoots, and scores!!!

Gaza Strip — Israeli tanks and helicopters raided Gaza in pursuit of rocket squads Tuesday, killing the son of the territory's most powerful leader and 17 other Palestinians in the bloodiest day of fighting since Islamic Hamas militants overran the coastal area in June.

So they killed the son of the most powerful terrorists in Gaza. L'CHAIM!!! :D

From FOXNEWS website.


Arab Poltergeist

Ahh the modern wisdom of islam... Or not


Iran executes a man on a stretcher, while he is STILL ON THE DAMN THING

Fucking muslims make me sick.


More islamic tolerance and peace

This is an old article, but worth noting. a young muslim girl was a great student, wanted t ostudy law. Thanks to the cult of islam, she was terrified of an arranged marriage, and did not want to adhere to her pakistani families twisted obsession with 'honor' (if such a thing can be said to exist in the islamic world).

A few months later she vanished, after confiding in friends that her parents beat her, charges the parents deny. link here - http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,,2239254,00.html

Islam is already infecting Europe, like it did in the 9th century, which caused the Crusades. I pray to God it never infests America.


Iran looks to pick a fight

As we all know by now, Iran used some similar tactics to the muslim terrorist attack on the USS Cole, where they used speedboats to get dangerously close to our Navy ships. Too bad the man in command of the fleet had no guts, or those boats would have been blown out of the water. "
Taking some creative license with Samuel L Jackson's line from Snakes On A Plane, I came up with this gem : "Enough is enough, I am sick and tired, of these muthaf***in terrorists, on this muthaf***in planet!"

You can find video and lots of news about the probing maneuver (obviously they were testing our response, and tactics) before they followed the namesake of their country. Ask em what they did and any of them will respond "I ran." Bunch of cowardly pigs.


The difference between Israel and the rest of the Middle Least


I found this article about illiteracy today. Funny, Israel is a tiny lil country, about the size of conneticut, yet they prosper while the Arab world is a festering decaying hellhole. Wanna know their secret?

I can sum it up in one word - EDUCATION


This is why I miss having a dog :D

Who says I am always posting negative stuff with no humor?



So what happened to 2007 being the hottest year on record?? Al Gore is a fat piece of trash, and a liar. That is what happened.


The Desperation of Terrorists

So they have turned to recruiting women to become suicide bombers. How quaint. I wonder what they promise those stupid muslim women will receive in compensation from the pig god allah when they kill themselves?



More proof we need to drop another bomb like we did over Hiroshima


You gotta love how these imbeciles think their cult has any merit or place in the civilized world


Sad start to the new year

More muslim demonstration of their tolerance and peace. A father kills his two teen daughters because they adapted to living the American Dream while he was stuck in his 7th century cult we call islam. I hope he is given the death penalty, or someone does the world a favor and rids it of him.

here is a more detailed article - http://pajamasmedia.com/xpress/phyllischesler/